Thursday, June 25, 2009

Late Night Randomness

I felt pretty good today with all that I accomplished. When you only have 2 1/2 months to plan a wedding your automatic fear is that every venue for wedding and reception will be taken. Luckily the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens has the specific garden and time available I was wanting. What made things even better was their restaurant is also available for a lunch reception. In my mind I've gone back and forth on the whole afternoon reception. It will be nice to not have to wait all day just to get down the aisle and enjoy quality time with friends and family. At the same time I think every girl, and I use that term loosely in my case, has this idea of driving away with her Prince Charming under the moon and stars. Here's what I keep telling myself though...YOU CAN TAKE A NAP AFTER! Seriously, get married, have family time, eat cake, go home and take a nap! I'm aware that this should not be what I am thinking about doing after the wedding, but let's not fool ourselves here. It's not like I'm 20 years old and can't wait to "be with my husband." And it's not like daylight is my friend in that situation. Oh, he loves me for who I am, but come one girls. Let's say I pull off the whole "taking his breath away" when he sees me the first time as I walk toward him in my dress. I would hate to have to smack him back to reality so soon after his "breath taking" moment. That would just be unfair to the poor man.

I've narrowed down what I think I want the guys to wear, but in the shower tonight I thought of something else. I do not have time to keep changing my mind or coming up with new ideas. And don't even get me started on the music for the ceremony. For YEARS I had the music picked out. I even had the timing down on the processional music. Now I can't make up my mind. I like three different ones, my mom has her favorite of them, one of them calms me, and the other is the original music I've always wanted. This will definitely be a job for the bridesmaids to help with. Maybe I'll just use "Another One Bites the Dust"...

I'll definitely be ready to get these big decisions out of the way. They effect the decision I make on everything else. I was on a "roll" today, as Amy put it, and now I'm stuck. I'm waiting for the photographer and cake chick to email me back. The waiting is killing me! I also think I'm just waiting for something to go wrong. I wouldn't say I'm a pessimistic person...I just like to have my umbrella in hand when the shit hits the fan!

Anyway...enough wedding talk. I gotta find something else to talk about!

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