Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Beautiful Wedding and Magical Stork

I don't remember waking up that morning. I only remember suddenly being in a chair having my hair curled. My house got hopping a lot earlier than it normally does on the 19th of September and didn't slow down until that night. Once everyone was up there was so much to do in what felt like NO time. After my hair was curled and pinned to my head, to hold the curls, it was off to have makeup done. My mom, sister in law, and I jumped in the car and started racing towards the Fort Worth location of Shelton's Salon. I would have preferred Bedford, but in an effort to respect someone's world I chose a different location. I do believe this is about the time that my life's soundtrack added a new song. You know that one that they play on the old cartoons when they race? That started just about the time we hit the accident on 820 and didn't stop until I walked down the aisle. Once we got back to the house it was all systems go. Erin and Lisa showed up and got me into my dress and rushed me out the door to get to the gardens by 10:30. Everyone else followed promptly. Waiting at the gardens were my friends and family...all on time thank goodness. Then I got to see all the kids. Each one of them in their own dress or shorts outfit and each one looking absolutely adorable! It was just what I had envisioned and I couldn't have been happier. We spent the next hour doing pictures and I made sure we started right on time. I did NOT want to be out there longer than we had to. I was ready to get to the fun! When the music started it got a little comical. There had been music issues leading up to the day and I thought I'd had them all worked out. The first song that was to play was Jim Brickman's Angel Eyes. This was for the kids. Well, the music started and everyone is looking at me to see if I want to start. What do I do? Yell out, "Is this JIM BRICKMAN?" I do believe the best man told me later that he could hear me yell this! When it was confirmed that this was the correct music I gave the go ahead to start. Then I saw it...the site I'd had in my mind for months. All 18 kids (we were missing 2) walking down the stairs together and then up the aisle. The oldest hold the youngest, the little ones getting help from the big ones, and the joining of our families. For both Brian and I this was where the water works began. To tell you that our neices and nephews are our whole world does not begin to express the love we have for them. Then it was time for the bridesmaids. Each one was beautiful and graceful and I couldn't have been more proud. When it was my turn I put my arm through my brother's and took my mom's hand. We walked out, got down the stairs and all I could see was Brian. He was crying. It goes without saying I cried all the way down the aisle. The ceremony was perfect and just what we wanted. It was truly my dream wedding. The reception was great! Erin's speach made me cry...of course! I knew it would. We danced to Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling In Love. The food was fantastic and the cake was delicious. (The only thing I was missing? My period. I just knew it would show up!) Like I was perfect.

Disney World couldn't have been better! Everyday was so much fun...exhausting, but fun! I had decided that I hadn't started my period because of stress. If my calander was correct I would have started the Monday before the wedding. By the time Tuesday came around I began to wonder. I was in Disney World and FAR from stressed so what was the problem. We went through Wednesday and decided that we would test that night if nothing happened. After dinner we went back to our room and made the decision to go ahead and test. Now, Disney doesn't have preggo tests in the gift shops (they do have condoms though!) so we had to order one from a nearby pharmacy that delivers to the resorts. After waiting an hour for it to get there I go into the bathroom and do the deed. Brian had already fallen asleep at this point so I was pretty much on my own. Low and behold....PREGNANT popped up on that little stick and the giggles came flooding out! I woke Brian up to tell him and he said "really?" then rolled over! In his defense he was soooo tired. After making a couple of calls I went to bed and surprisingly fell asleep right away. The rest of the week I felt great and was loving pregnancy. Someone evil and mean took it away this week though!

I'm sure more posts are to come about the pregnancy. Just be patient with me...this is my first (I don't remember much about the first one and I didn' t get too far) and it's foreign to me. Right now I just wish I wasn't so emotional. I could handle the crying, but the BAD mood is killing me!!!

P. S. We spent the day at the Magic Kingdom the day we found out we were having a baby. This to me just really cool!

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